Oguz Coskun, Industrial Designer, Independent Student of Architecture & Independent Researcher

contact information

Adress: 2176th Street No 14 Ozdere Menderes Izmir 35495 Turkiye 
E-mail: ouzcoskun@gmail.com


To do Academic reasearch on Architecture for a better, sustainable future. To be able to use my skills and my background for the good of the society, even humanity. I look forward to be in valuable projects where I will design or manage with perception.

professional experience

DESiGN2011 offers design and creative services for Small and Medium Scale Enterprises:
January 2011-

- Craftsmanship (Boatbuilding)
- Logo Design and Brand Identity
- Web
- Interactive
- Exhibition
- Interior Design
- Product Design
- Photography

instructor @ ADU (Adnan Menderes University, Aydin, Turkey)
September 2010 - January 2011
- Computer graphics, internet technologies and introduction to interactive media. (new media)

Freelance - İzmir
June 2001- September 2010

- Designed several corporate indentities and logotypes. (samples) 
- Designed and managed several web sites and services. (samples)
- Designed, built and managed an organic pension with 7 rooms in Ozdere, Izmir, Turkey.

rpm-radar, Medyaturk - Istanbul 
New Media Director
September 1999 - June 2001

rpm-radar is an advertising agency in Dentsu Europe group. 
- Developed digital media as well as all other platforms for the Agency (management, design, publishing). 
- Upgraded the media performances. (samples)
- Started & managed Medyaturk's web service. (www.mediaturkey.com) 
- Directed digital presentations with CD-ROMs in concours. (samples)

Momentum-Bec - Istanbul 
September 1998 - June 1999 

- Designed several exhibition & environmental projects. (samples)

Military Service 
Museum Sergeant 
September 1997 - June 1998 

- Harbiye Military Museum - Turkish Armed Forces

Sun Tasarim - Ankara 
Art Director
September 1996 - June 1997 

- Beginning of my art direction as a professional designer. 
- Designed web sites and printed materials. 
- Enriched personnel experience in publishing processes.

Freelance - Ankara 
September 1995 - June 1996 

- Designed and applied several Interior Design projects such as stores and houses, while studying Industrial Design in METU.


Education (Ongoing)

Independent Student of Architecture (Study Projects)
December 2019 to Present 
Independent Researcher
Ongoing Research Page (Architecture Despite The Stream) also Version 4.0 is available.

Middle East Technical University, Ankara (School projects)
Faculty of Architecture 
Bachelor of Industrial Design

Bilkent University, Ankara 
Music and Fine Arts 
Bassoon study

Saint-Joseph French College, Izmir 
High School

Skills and interests

Bi-lingual - French (fluent), English (fluent),



Pottery, (beginner)


Electronics, (Circuit design, Microchip Programming, Wearables, Soldering)


Furniture design and craftsmanship,

Adviser (Plastic Arts)
Graphic Design, 
Computer Literacy in Mac & PC Systems,
CD-ROM, Web Site & Web Service Design, 
3D Modeling & Animation,
Digital Movie Editing, (youtube channel)
Music composing, 
Model-making (Architectural, Interior & Industrial Design Models),
Photography (As an owner of a dark room (Camera obscura))


Adobe Studio (Digital Image, Sound, Video Editing)
SketchUp (3D)
Reason & Cubase (Sound generation, Music composing & Song Writing, Recording Studio)
Microsoft Office 


Available upon request.

