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  And today, it has turned into an universal commercial competition. Thanks to the strong, educated, and healthy working conditions in some countries over the world, the labor has begun to search for a wider market for its strong and surplus production, and it has attempted to standardize the life in many cities around the world, from household goods to the architectural scale, through advertising and marketing. Replacing the same products with the new ones before they get old, has turned into a lifestyle. “Consumption society” (Bilgin 2011) The city, which was invented for the solidarity of labor, eventually with the industrial revolution has turned into a "machine" (Le Corbusier 1923) that produces services for this competition. The citizens became the servants of this machine (as a producer and consumer).
Although the modernist thought has failed in the idea of producing a single common solution for the whole world, which made the technology as a goal with the Industrial Revolution, as an heritage discourse from the past, its conformity with the “humanity's dream of salvation" continues to be valid. The Internet, the Artificial Intelligence, the IOT (Internet Of Things) and the Augmented Reality technologies continue to feed this dream. In this mechanized cities, the mechanized dwelling and the mechanized workplace, the man who has become a part of a machine has created a holiday concept and time to live in, determined with some unreal needs and even created a "holiday" industry in line with these needs. And strengthens the consumption society with this holiday culture.
  Today, in the cities, people "work" with a "living one day" dream and continue to serve modernist dreams as a consumption society with their unrealistic needs during their holidays and their retirement times. Although attention was drawn to this trend in the early 1900s, it was predicted that there would be no transformation without encountering it’s harmful consequences. Today, it may be possible for everyone to work not only to earn more money but also to improve themselves. Work can be seen as an opportunity, a way to improve themselves, to maturate Lifelong learning. The workplace can be like a school. The purpose should be people. Then money can once again become a tool and the work done can be a process in which people try to make the most of every moment. One day, people can become the people who do not work only to live, but who live even the time they are working.
When cities are considered as immutable realities (immovable “things”) in realistic philosophy, life lived in cities becomes open to examination and innovation as “moving phenomena” that contemporary science deals with. If cities are examined in the historical process, for what purpose they were established and their development, they can be saved from being today’s realities and “facts” in realistic philosophy that cannot be changed but can be advanced with joints, and life in cities can be brought to a more livable life movement (fiction) for the purpose of “solidarity”, and beyond that, it may be possible to build new cities that offer a completely new life opportunity.
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